• Fully equipped Screen Print Studio

  • learn-to-print – 2 day courses

  • Print services / Limited edition print collaboration

The Rock Factory Print Studio is located in an Old Rock Factory in the centre of Blackpool, a small seaside town in the North West of England. It was established in 2011 by Robin Ross who became a print maker after more than 35 years as a broadcaster. Robin Creates Limited Edition hand pulled screen prints and has worked with the BBC, DIY SOS, and Children in Need.

Commercial Clients include:


Screen Printing Course – Daytime

We run regular Screen Print Courses where you can learn the whole process from start to creating your own prints

2 days 

10am to 4pm

£85 per person  (includes all materials)

Courses are available 7 days a week

Courses can be flexible to suit your needs.  Please email email robin@robinross.co.uk for more information



All the hand pulled silk screen prints in the gallery are Robin’s work and in limited edition runs.

Robin has had a solo show in NYC, Artist in Residence in Lisbon and invited and shown his limited edition prints in Moscow. He currently has work in Galleries in Austin Texas, London and Colne.

If you are interested in purchasing an affordable piece of art. Please get in touch

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Got a Question?

Contact us today to discuss how we can help with your project